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Justin MacCurdy


Personal Bests

Braemar StoneOpenTruro Highland Games 29'8.0" 22.0lbs.2010.08.27
Open StoneOpenTruro Highland Games 36'7.0" 16.4lbs.2010.08.27
Sheaf  N/A 
CaberOpenGathering of the Scots 11:30 17'0.0" 82.0lbs.2011.05.28
Light Weight for DistanceAmateursNew Brunswick Highland Games 54'1.5"2010.07.24
Heavy Weight for DistanceAmateursMoncton Highland Games 22'8.0"2010.06.19
Light HammerOpenTruro Highland Games 89'4.0"2010.08.27
Heavy HammerOpenTruro Highland Games 70'6.0"2010.08.27
Weight Over BarOpenGathering of the Scots 12'0.0"2011.05.28

Games Record

2011.05.28Gathering of the Scots8N/A 34'7.0" 17.2lbs.N/A 11:30 17'0.0" 82.0lbs. 49'3.0" 21'4.0" 81'0.0" 69'11.0" 12'0.0"
2010.08.27Truro Highland Games7 29'8.0" 22.0lbs. 36'7.0" 16.4lbs.N/AN/A 47'11.0" 22'6.0" 89'4.0" 70'6.0" 10'0.0"
2010.07.24New Brunswick Highland Games4 27'6.3" 22.3lbs. 31'7.5" 17.2lbs.N/AN/A 54'1.5" 22'3.0" 83'4.0" 69'10.3" 11'0.0"
2010.06.19Moncton Highland Games4 28'4.0" 23.1lbs. 32'4.0" 17.2lbs.N/AN/A 44'3.0" 22'8.0" 76'6.0" 67'2.5" 10'0.0"

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